Studio Sisters Podcast with Small Business Attorney, Larissa Bodniowycz

Larissa Bodniowycz, the founding attorney of Bold City Legal, a remote law firm for side hustlers and small business owners, has been recently featured on the Shop Studio Sisters Podcast, an Etsy-focused podcast for creative company owners. 

Larissa enjoys working with creative enterprises and even owns an Etsy shop, Tower 27 Photography, herself, so she particularly enjoys discussing business and legal issues for creatives. She is also a travel blogger who documents her travels while working remotely as an attorney.

Sort of Legal, her travel blog, gives the readers an honest and authentic depiction of the highs and lows of running a small business while traveling the world. 

This episode will give the readers some information about the legal responsibilities that come with starting a business, such as copyright, trademarks, and more.

Studio Sisters Podcast - What do you "own" as an Etsy Seller? Copyrights, trademarks + more with Larissa Bodniowycz of Bold City Legal Summary:

  • 2:44 - How did you get started as a lawyer and what got you interested in photography?

  • 6:06 - Do you sell your photography on Etsy?

  • 7:05 - Do you have any tips for other women who want to travel and run their own businesses remotely?

  • 15:39 - What does “copyright” mean?

  • 20:16 - On the artist's side, do I still have to watermark the photos I put on the Internet or do I need to trademark anything even if I own the copyright to my creative work?

  • 26:31 - What would be your advice for someone if they find that their work is being copied or taken by another person or business?

  • 31:45 - What would be an example of “non-infringing” use of the work?

  • 34:07 - Other than copyrighting and working with an attorney, are there any other good ways that you can think of to prevent your work from being used without your permission?

  • 35:59 - What should someone do or not do when it comes to working with licensed products?

  • 42:57 - If you had an extra $1000 in your creative budget, how would you spend it?

  • 45:37 - What’s one thing that you are personally learning right now? What’s something that you’re working on for yourself?

  • 47:15 - How can we find or contact you?

  • 48:25 - What is the service that you would suggest that small business owners start with when they’re approaching an attorney for the very first time?

Click here if you'd like to set-up a session to talk with Larissa about the legal stuff in your business as an Etsy seller.

Click here to Pin on Pinterest.


Larissa’s Hourly Rate Warning - Why Are We Shouting? with Jill Salzman


Firm Founder, Larissa Bodniowycz, Interviewed on Liz on Biz Podcast About Her Entrepreneurial Journey and “Understanding Legal Stuff in Your Business”